Beautiful Jewelry, Beautiful Cause

About Nu Intentions
Ashleigh Livingston is honored to work with Spa by Diane Huntington Loring. Diane Loring is an inspiring entrepreneur to men and women alike. Her choice to empower local artists, causes, and community in her spa is what makes Ashleigh’s jewelry a beautiful fit with by Spa by Diane Huntington Loring. Ashleigh started her original entrepreneurial spirit with Bad Ash Earrings, a guitar pick jewelry line used to fund her philanthropic spirit, through co-founding Nu Intentions and working with nonprofit in New York, Gifted Hands.
Ashleigh Livingston is the Granddaughter of Resident Artist and Clinical Psychologist at Spa by Diane Loring, Inc., Dr. Priscilla L. Partridge de Garcia and her husband Dr. Pedro E. Garcia.
Joining forces with her Grandmother, Dr. Priscilla L. Partridge de Garcia, and Diane Loring, the three of them have put on art extravaganzas that have benefited Casa Pacifica, the Rubicon Theater and Community Memorial Hospital. Ashleigh has also been involved in several of the Ventura City Artwalks at Spa by Diane Loring, Inc.
Ashleigh has been providing beautiful jewelry for sale at Spa by Diane Huntington Loring. and has also advised and assisted with non-profit, fund raising art events at Spa by Diane Huntington Loring, for the past 5 years, pro bono.
Made In Uganda
Ashleigh Livingston and Carrie Stewart co founded Nu Intentions after traveling to Northeastern Uganda with the divine inspiration and help of Amelia Hirsch.
Nu Intentions was found in a region that has been devastated by rebel war and violence. Their social endeavor features the Nu Threads jewelry line, both hand crafted by the women of Northeastern Uganda.
Nu Intentions Jewelry was featured in by San Diego’s Riviera magazine and recognized by the San Diego News Network.Made in New York Ashleigh Livingston also teamed up with founder of Gifted Hands, Dustee Hullinger. Dustee is the modern day Mother Teresa of New York. She goes to the parts of New York no one wants to. She offers jewelry and art classes to the homeless, HIV patients,abandoned mothers, and victims of domestic abuse. The beautiful jewelry offered at Spa by Diane were created by a class of single mothers partnered with jewelry parts from Nordstroms.
Made in San Diego
Ashleigh’s guitar pick line is often referred in Ocean Beach as Bad Ash. This unique guitar pick line has funded her passion of working with the two causes mentioned above.
Ashleigh Livingston earns her MBA at Point Loma Nazarene University!
Ashleigh also received the Student of the Year Award from her Professors and peers!