
September 16, 2020

Sometimes the Best-Laid Plans…

Happen in the Midst of Global Disarray – We Made it This Far ~

Read the full article on LinkedIn or view the pdf version.

Huntington and Minster Library

Photo credit top: – Photo credit bottom: Diane Elizabeth Huntington Loring


I want to thank the wonderful group who gave their wholehearted enthusiasm, support and interest in helping to save the Classic Books at the Minster Library in York, UK. I wrote to Karen R. Lawrence, President of the Huntington Library, followed by a letter to Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth, II, followed by an open letter to all involved and an update on the status of who was ‘on board’ at that point. Tracy Lehr – KEYT, KCOY, KKFX – News Anchor, Santa Barbara, agreed to run the breaking news of the potential merge. Not long after I sent word to Dr. Catherine Allgor, the Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens, Nadine and Robert A. Skotheim, and past Director of Education. Dr. Allgor was instrumental in validating my relationship to Henry E. Huntington. Dr. Allgor is now the President of the Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, Massachusetts, a dear friend, and had this to say, “Great work, dear Diane! Thanks for sharing!” I also asked my dear friend, Actor and Activist extraordinaire, Mr. Martin Sheen, if he would allow me to use his good name in support of the project, which as you will see, he most graciously agreed.

The proposal began with a letter written from myself to Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth, II.

letter to the Queen



read the full text  from the Queen to Martin Sheen and more in between! pdf version

We are Honored by the Response from the Mayor of San Marino.


Ancestry, Uncategorized