WISE (Women Involved in Sports Evolution) was designed to propel individuals to their personal level of athletic excellence.
The focus was on female athletes in the hope to support greater equity for females in sports, in all areas. Also, we noticed a high incidence of injury among female athletes, deprived of opportunity in the world of sports, for many generations prior to Title IX.
WISE also agreed that we would welcome any male athletes and when they came knocking, we welcomed them wholeheartedly!
Men were critical to the creation and development of WISE from it’s inception!
The WISE program design was created by a panel of experts, top of their fields and elite athletes themselves, to be a complete solution to the individual’s health and fitness needs. Over the years WISE enjoyed great success with their prototype and training athletes from all levels, beginner to elite to professional to Olympic!
WISE also worked with Law Enforcement, Fire & Safety.
WISE continues to advocate and make a difference with media exposure and female athletes!